From a systems administration point of view, the main concept behind PowerHA is to keep everything as redundant as possible to ensure that there is high availability at all levels. 从系统管理员角度看,HACMP背后的理念是保持所有资源尽可能冗余,从而在所有层面上确保高可用性。
Applications accessing the table would immediately see the benefits up to the point to where it was stopped: that's real availability. 访问表的应用程序能够在停止时立即看到好处:这就是真正的可用性。
Finally, not that the discussion to this point has implicitly assumed that applications are monolithic, i.e.there is a single set of workload and availability requirements for the entire application. 最后,对这个问题的讨论并未隐式地假定应用程序是单独的,也就是说,对整个应用程序存在一个单一的工作量和可用性的集合。
It provides a single point from which to launch reliability, availability and security ( RAS) debug and monitoring actions and to collect problem determination data for a collection of nodes. 可以通过它启动可靠性、可用性和安全性(RAS)调试和监视活动,收集节点集的问题诊断数据。
Because HDFS has a single point of failure ( the name node), it is a risk for a high availability production system. 因为HDFS有一个单点故障(Name节点),这对高可用性生产系统来说是个风险。
There is no point in applying this fertiliser regardless of the availability of grass. 忽视牧草的可利用程度,这种施肥是毫无意义的。
Define the concepts of watermark embedding point and watermark detection point and give the condition of availability and fair of the watermarking system must be met. 指出了有效、公平的数字水印系统的出错概率应满足的条件。
He began comparing Bangladesh, Cambodia and India from the point of view of labour costs and availability, electricity supply, ports and road infrastructure, the quality of middle management and, of course, relative levels of corruption. 他开始对孟加拉国、柬埔寨和印度进行考察,对比劳动力成本、劳动力供给、供电、港口和道路基础设施、中层管理质量当然,还有相对腐败程度等方面。
Analyse using the commander's attitude to the risk as breakthrough point, by building the effectiveness function, the decision under the maximal availability principle is optimized. 以决策者面对风险的态度为突破点,通过建立效用曲线并在最大效用原则下对有关决策问题进行优化,在一定程度上可大大降低决策方案的风险性。
To the question that a single failure point exists in the centralized metadata management for parallel file systems, this paper presents a dual-metadata server system for high availability. 本文针对并行文件系统集中式元数据管理存在单一失效点的问题,设计了一种双元服务器高可用系统。
Some point estimation and interval estimation formulas for availability factor AF, unavailability factor UF, forced outage rate FOR, service rate SER, equivalent availability factor EAF and equivalent forced outage rate EFOR are given in use for authenticating availability level of large capacity thermal power equipments. 给出了可用系数AF、不可用系数UF、强迫停运率FOR、运行率SER、等效可用系数EAF和等效强迫停运率EFOR的点估计和区间估计的公式,用于鉴定大型火电设备的可用性水平。
Traditional firewall connects external network and internal network in single entrance point. Single-point-failure for firewall gradually becomes the network bottleneck, debases the network's availability. 传统防火墙是在单点将内网接入外网,它会因单点失效而成为网络的瓶颈,降低网络的可用性。
During the calculation of the split point, without mutual communication between each of the data nodes so that it can reduce the I/ O times and increase the data availability of the algorithm. 分裂点的计算过程中,各数据节点间无需相互通信,可通过块直方图来获得全局的类标分布,减少各分片间互相通信而产生的I/O次数,有效的提高算法的数据可用性。
Men lottery site selection based on multiple environmental point of sale, the quality and the availability of peer-based. 男性购彩的地点选择依据多以销售点的环境、质量和有无同伴为主。
The scheme moves session information to a global-visible third-party session server from a single point, and then introduces cluster structure to the session server so as to guarantee its high availability. 该方案将会话信息从单点服务器上剥离并置其于全局可见的第三方会话服务器中,同时为会话服务器引入簇结构对其高可用性进行保证。
From the classical realism point of view the international relations is the interaction of states determined by the availability of power and interest. 从古典现实主义的角度来讲,国际关系是由权力和利益的实用性决定国家间互动。
Then the performance measures of the systerm are analyzed respectively on the point of queueing theory and reliability, then the mean queue length, the availability, the mean time to first failure of the systerm and the reliability of laplace transform are derived. 然后分别从排队论角度和可靠性角度分析了系统的性能,得到了平均队长、可用度、首次故障前平均时间、可靠度的拉普拉斯变换等指标。
Chapter 4 the empirical analysis of urban-rural differences in primary education systematically investigates the current difference from the point of finance institution, the availability and the running conditions. 第4章城乡基础教育差异状况的实证分析分别从融资制度、可及性和办学条件三大方面对我国城乡基础教育的差异现状进行了系统的描述和分析。